Loving Another
To love another
is to consent
to being changed
to being broken
into a greater fullness
of heart & humanity
Loving another
brings you face-to-face
with everything
you are not
You will fail again & again
in your quest to love well
And so should it be
Loving another lays bare
your closely guarded
empty arrogances,
and insults your unconscious clinging
to personal poverty
Love awakens a kind of pain
that is startling
and poignant
and sweet
that brings you home
to what you truly are
Loving another demands
a nakedness
It initiates a journey
into the heart of things
Swift and true like an arrow,
it flies unwaveringly
seeking out whatever is not yet fully loved within you
We call this ‘meeting your shadow’
and ‘ego death’
and ‘true life’
To love another
is to plunge into the raw humanity at the center of your being
a celestial-somatic quasar
containing your true connection to
everyone & everything
Shining in the vast space of being
love yearns to experience
a shared realness
That you are going through the same thing as me
the same living & dying
the same longing & losing
the same
© 2022 Justin Sarno & HeartPath Enterprises
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