You Are Home


I want to reveal to you
a most profound secret about yourself.

I want to whisper something
to the inner listening of your heart.

I want to tell you something you knew but misplaced
when someone pulled the fire alarm.


I want to speak, to share
but I struggle to find words tender enough
and fierce enough.
Obvious enough
Sublime enough

You are home.

There. My best effort, humbly offered.
Once more for good measure:
You are home.

be patient with me and forgiving
if these words don’t move you.

Don’t drop like a shooting star into your hidden depths.
Don’t startle the wild animal of your soma into sharp wakefulness.

As I said, it is a struggle to find words that touch this innermost secret.


You are home.
Turns out it was true all along.

This worn,
slightly-off-level home,
where the windows don’t seal quite right and let in a draft when the wind blows...
this place that you took for a short-term rental
and so didn’t unpack your nicer things.

The deed was always in your name, already paid in full.
You are home.


In all your wandering and scheming and posturing and uncertainty.
It’s over.

I am so heartbroken
and so ecstatic to tell you the news.
It’s over.

You are home.

The great saga has ended.
The sacred pilgrimage is complete.
The 100,000 recitations are fulfilled.

You are good enough.

Now, relax into the soft fire of your own existence.
Of your 37 trillion cells.
Of your forever home.



© 2022 Justin Sarno & HeartPath Enterprises
If you would like to share or reuse any portion of this, please first obtain permission by emailing


The Me I Don’t Yet Know


The Secret of Fulfillment